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  1. Adding LS to an existing tank

  2. need to add a refugium to my tank

    Does any one have a good site that talks about refugiums and how to put one together. If I wanted to move my sump into the basement what kind of pumps would I need to get the water up from the basement to the tank. It it probably about 9 or 10 feet.
  3. Brown algae?

    I have this brown stuff covering my sand and glass. Is it algae and it is from keeping the lights on too much and how do I stop it.
  4. Refugium in the basement

    I have no room at all to put a refugium near or underneath my tank. Is it possible to have the refugium in the basement below the tank. Sump would still remain right below the tank.
  5. anyone ever use this ???

    http://www.aquaripure.com/ Anyone have any thoughts on this product?
  6. little white pods

    I have noticed in the tank the I have these tiny whit pod things and at the end of the pod is what looks like a little feather. They seem to have attached themsevels to the LR and eggcrate. Any ideas?
  7. chaeto algae

    I understand I can put this algae right into my sump with a light over it and I will help lower nitrates? Is this correct and will it get so out of control that it will get in the way of the pump. My sump area is not to huge?
  8. Blue Linckia, polyps and feather dusters

    Is a Blue Linckia harder to keep than a red/orange Linckia? Also I have a 60 gallon tank with 83 lbs of LR. A flame angle, royal gramma, two clowns and a small watchman goby (who I never see). I also have 3 blood shrimp, a red/orange linckia, and two feather dusters. By adding another...

    My Flame Angel has one singe tiny white dot on him or her and I am not sure if it is a speck of sand or ick. It seemed bigger last night and this morning looks smaller. I thought it was sand but not sure. I have inverts, how do I treat this is it is ick? Thanks!
  10. adding 3 fish at once

    Would it be ok to add 3 fish at once? I royal gramma, purple fire fish and a yellow watchman goby. I already have a flame angel and 2 clown fish in a 60 gallon tank with 83 pd of LR. Everything is fine and the nitrates are at zero.
  11. Yellow Watchman Goby

    any special needs required? I have a shallow sandbed mixed with shells and sand.
  12. 6 FISH 60 GALLONS?

    Any thoughts on 6 fish in a 60 gallon with 83 pd of LR. I have 2 small clowns and one med flame angel. Was thinking of adding a firefish, fridmani pseuedo something or other, and maybe some kind of goby??
  13. looking for a few ideas on fish

    I have a 60 gallon with 2 clown fish, 1 flame angel, 3 blood red shrimp. I am looking to add another fish. Something colorful and about 3 or 4 inches long that will live peacefully with what I already have. I was going for the purple tang but after my post about the purple tang and how it can...
  14. Purple Tang

    can any one tell me their experience with purple tangs? How aggressive are they towards other fish in peaceful reef tank? Are they safe with shrimps and other inverts? Thanks!
  15. bio load

    My tank was up for almost 4 months before I added 2 clown fish and two shrimp. Everything seems fine 3 weeks later. No big spike in ammonia or nitrates. When would it be ok to add more fish? I do not want the hole thing to crash!

    are these any good? http://www.cpraquatic.com/products/aquafugeps.html
  17. Water Changes and Nitrates

    I understand that regular water changes help keep nitrates down. When people say reqular water changes do they mean weekly, bi-weekly?
  18. Nitrates and Inverts...

    My nitrates are at 5 is that too high for cleaner shrimp?
  19. Gobies and cleaner crew

    If I had two sleeper head gobies and my cleaner crew consisted of this 30Astrea Snails 20 Sm. Nassarius Snails 1 Sea Cucumber 1 Queen Conch 1 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Scarlet Hermit Crabs Would the gobies have nothing to find to eat?
  20. Cleaner Crew

    What should I included in my cleaner crew? What are the most important creatures I should have. Do I need to have crabs? If so which are the best? Will they crawl out of the tank?
