Epithet etymology: It’s as easy as A, B, Chromis!
The circumtropical genus Chromis is a ubiquitous icon of any coral reef, and can be found anywhere from sun speckled coral gardens to lung compressing depths... Read more.

Epithet etymology: The many-eyed feces eater and the sworded swordfish.
Because today’s instalment of epithet etymology feature two slightly unorthodox fishes, we’ll go ahead and make up for it by featuring two species, instead... Read more.

The flasher wrasse genus Paracheilinus gets a formal revision, along with the addition of three new species
The flasher wrasse genus Paracheilinus has never had a formal taxonomic revision, that is until now. In the latest paper published in the Journal of the Ocean Science... Read more.

Epithet etymology: Amphiprion chrysogaster, the gold bellied, double saw wielder
Today’s instalment of epithet etymology aims to elucidate the literary meaning behind the Mauritian Clownfish, Amphiprion chrysogaster. Whether you’re... Read more.

Pomacanthid relics: Colin’s, Narcosis and Bandit Angelfishes
In gross review of the vast piscine fauna distributed around the globe, there are perhaps few families of fish that can rival the unparalleled beauty and elegance... Read more.

Macropharyngodon: A Tale of Throated Teeth
By Lemon TeaYK The family Labridae advertises a bounteous collection of species, distributed unevenly into about seventy genera, all of which are strictly marine.... Read more.

Epithet etymology: Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis, the diamond-tail fairy wrasse
Today on epithet etymology, we feature yet another labrid, this time from the genus Cirrhilabrus. Cirrhilabrus are small, colourful fish that are are highly deserving... Read more.

Macro Monday: Galaxea fascicularis, wolf in sheep’s clothing
Galaxea is a ubiquitous cnidarian with quite the nasty reputation. Like most other “LPS” corals, Galaxea harbour sweeper tentacles capable of extending... Read more.

Epithet etymology: Labroides phthirophagus, the louse-eater
Today we’ll feature a new running featurette titled “epithet etymology”. As the title suggests, this series will aim to elucidate the meaning... Read more.

Macro Monday: Crustacean combo
It’s the start of the week (where I am), and let’s face it – Mondays are the Snapples of the week. Snapple, as in the drink. Always great looking,... Read more.